What Makes Us Different?

“Afterward the client told me, ‘No lawyer ever sat down with me and explained my case the way you did. I feel comfortable with you.’”

—Steven Weinstein

There is nothing more important to your case than having a lawyer you can trust and who you’re 100% sure has your best interests at heart. Sadly, not all lawyers treat their cases this seriously and not all treat their clients well.


The Weinstein Law Group, PLLC is dedicated to being one of the exceptions. We aim to be one of the few firms who treat their clients as people and do the absolute best work possible for them. We stand out from other law firms in three big ways: attention to our clients, our detailed approach to your case, and the experience and skill we bring to the job.

Clients Come First

Recently, Steven was out at lunch when his phone rang. It was a gentleman who had been in a car accident and was severely injured. He wanted to speak to a lawyer but he couldn’t even get out of the house. Without hesitation Steven sent a driver to his house to pick him up and take him to his appointment and back home. This is a normal part of business at Weinstein.


We put our clients first because we know it’s essential to developing the lawyer/client relationship that establishes trust. When we make a recommendation, like taking a settlement offer, we want the client to understand exactly why we’re making that recommendation. We explain everything in plain English and make sure you understand the strategy behind it. Because you’re fully informed, the decisions you make about your case are meaningful—you’re in control.


Building this trust takes work, but we don’t hesitate. When you call the office, Steven Weinstein himself will likely answer. You won’t get a paralegal or assistant. If he’s in a meeting you’ll speak with his business partner Sherry Ishak. Calls are always returned quickly and you’ll never be left hanging.

An Approach That Works

Steven Weinstein is renowned as one of the most meticulous and detail-oriented personal injury lawyers in the state of New York. The approach we take to prepare your case is different than many law firms. We start by creating what we call a Medical Timeline of your case.


The Medical Timeline is a complete picture of everything that’s known about your injury from start to finish. It begins with statements from witnesses at the scene of the accident and early medical information: like notes from the EMT’s in the ambulance. Then we compile all the medical records, from the emergency room visit to your most recent checkup, and put all the data in order. We also include crucial information from investigations or police reports, if any. This allows us to see everything the insurance company could possibly find, and identify both the strong and weak points of our case. It means that we come to every stage of litigation as prepared as possible, with no surprises. The result is having a lot of leverage and no holes in our argument.


Most cases never go to trial, but when needed we take a unique approach at court, too. Juries have a hard time understanding testimony from medical experts, because most jury members aren’t doctors. That’s why we prepare our cases with illustrations made by professional medical illustrators. These visual aids can make your injury clear immediately, far more so than a blurry X-ray or complicated medical diagnosis.

Experience Matters

When you choose The Weinstein Law Group, PLLC you’re choosing one of the most seasoned and knowledgeable injury attorneys in the state. Steven Weinstein has 30 years of experience and has worked on every kind of injury, car crash, and construction accident case imaginable. Sherry Ishak has 24 years of experience making cases move smoothly, eliminating errors and keeping clients informed and supported.


You’re counting on your personal injury lawyer to help you get treatment, get rid of pain, and provide for your family. Don’t accept someone who treats you as a file number. We believe you’ll see the difference as soon as you talk to Steven and Sherry. Call us today and we’ll give you a consultation on your case, completely free, with no pressure or obligation. Get your free consultation now.

Featured Attorney

Steven M. Weinstein