Hit and Run Driver Caught in Freeport

images (13)A pedestrian in Freeport, New York was fatally hit by a driver who fled the scene without stopping. If you were injured by a hit and run driver in New York you may be able to make claim against an entity named the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation to recover for your injuries. Certain requirements apply, so it is best to contact an experienced law firm like The WEINSTEIN LAW GROUP, PLLC to see if you qualify.

Thankfully for the family of the pedestrian who was killed in Freeport, the driver who fatally hit the pedestrian was caught by the police. Now the pedestrian’s family may be able to bring a lawsuit against that driver, and the owner of the car she was driving, to obtain fair compensation for the pedestrian’s death and any pain that he endured before he succumbed to his injuries.

In New York, a person who dies by reason of the negligence of another may be able to bring a wrongful death suit against the persons (or businesses) that caused the death. Those persons who depended upon that person economically may be entitled to compensation. Likewise, those persons who suffered a loss of guidance may also bring a claim. So, if the pedestrian was the bread winner in the family and if his wife and kids depended on his income for support, they could bring a claim to recover for the loss of that financial support.

If your family has experienced a death in the family caused by the negligence of another you should contact THE WEINSTEIN LAW GROUP PLLC to see if you have a case.

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